CaHaYa SaLJu SaKiiNaH

Tiada hadiah yang lebih berharga daripada nasihat yang baik.


serabuk tol la...

ade sorg bdk laki ni... sy da byk kali ckp jgn gggu idop sy.. tp die trs2 mgggu hdp sy..
bnci tol la..
ape yg ptt sy bt????...

ni la yang paling sy sesuatu yg sgt cute lg comey.. mse kecik2 sy ske kucim... skrg pon ske lbh ske baby...

ni cite my baby and me... best giler...


Jangan sesekali kita meremehkan sesuatu perkara walaupun sekadar senyuman..

About Me

My photo
camni laaa...BESE jew... ade kelebihan n kekurangan... this is real, this is me,i'm exactly where i'm suppost to be now,cannot let the light,shine on me,now i've found who i am,there's no way to holD it more hiding who i wanna be..THIS IS u know what its like,to feel so in the dark, to dream about a life,ur the shining star,eventhgt it is,like its to far away, i've to believe in my self, is the only way..
